As a small or medium-sized business, you spend a lot of time thinking about how you can make your business more effective. One of the easiest ways to do this is to ensure that your website is working hard for you 24/7.
The world of website design and development evolves so quickly and your customers’ digital habits are always changing so your website isn’t something that can stand still.
Completely restart or just refresh?
We work with clients where we regularly analyse the performance of their website and recommend changes, this helps to lengthen the life of your website and makes it more effective too.
However, if your site has been neglected for a few years, you will eventually reach a point where you’re likely to need a new website.
This isn’t necessarily a bad thing though.
When embarking on a new website project, you get to use all the knowledge and data that your current website has built up over the years to create a new and improved website.
You can plan out your content, re-evaluate your website structure, and take into account all the changes your business has gone through since your last website launched.
Do you recognise these signs?
How do you tell when it’s the right moment to make the leap and get a new website?
See if you recognise any of these signs:
- Your website is so slow!
- Your site has a really high bounce rate
- It doesn’t reflect your brand anymore
- You’re not getting enough enquiries
- It looks like it’s from 2010
- Your site is terrible on mobile devices
- It’s been a few years since you updated it
- You can’t update the content yourself
- You’ve outgrown your website
- Your industry has evolved
- You have a really low conversion rate
- You’re not getting found in Google search results
- Simple website edits are getting too expensive
- It’s been over 5 years since your last website redesign
Book your website consultation today!
If a few of the signs ring a bell for you, then maybe it’s time you consider getting a new website that meets all the needs of your business and puts you ahead of the competition.
We love to take websites to the next level, so if you’re ready to do something more, we’d love to hear from you!